Vibrant Stillwater Speaker – Chuck Marohn

Vibrant Stillwater Speaker – Chuck Marohn

Vibrant Stillwater is a coalition of Stillwater citizens and leaders that come together to make our
community stronger, healthier, and more vibrant through a shared vision and action
plan. You can read more about this at their website Last night, Vibrant Stillwater kicked off their speaker series with Chuck Marohn, author, land-use planner, municipal engineer, and Strong Town founder and president, a non-profit organization that promotes and provides guidance for the development and restructuring of cities.

Chuck highlighted many stories from his book, Strong Towns: A Bottom Up Revolution to Rebuild American Prosperity, that showcases why so many towns in North America are struggling financially despite decades of robust growth.

In his closing statement following the question, “what can we as community members do to help our city,” he stated, “Share your ideas with other people. Don’t be afraid to stand up and be part of a shifting conversation. We have to ask public officials to do something different. Change is hard, and we have to create, within the community, a language around change that allows them to do things that are different.”

If you wish to see this presentation, Vibrant Stillwater has a video on their Facebook page.

Vibrant Stillwater is planning on having a total of 4 speakers come in to back up their goal of creating more robust, healthier, and more vibrant Stillwater.